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Ciara’s Story

I didn’t want Paul to see me cry. But he’d know if there was anything wrong and he’ll tell me about 100 times a day – ‘I love you so much mammy’ he’d say.

The A Capella Knights raise over €8K for Galway Simon

We are delighted to announce that The A Capella Knights have raised €8,122.44 for our services through their Christmas Concerts which took place on Sunday 11th December 2016. The group held an entertainment packed children’s concert in the afternoon which included a visit from Santa

Ballinasloe Sleep Out in aid of Galway Simon

Tuesday 7th February 2017 Galway Simon supporter, Stephen Spollen, will undertake a 12 hour sponsored sleep out on Saturday 25th February from 6pm to 6am in a bid to raise awareness for homelessness and to fundraise for Galway Simon Community. The Offaly native told of

Shauna’s Story

“I’ve had too many low points at Christmas. Ending up in hospital on New Year’s Day is probably one of my worst memories.”

Man on bed, photo by Neil Warner

Conor’s Story

“I’ve had a lot of mental health problems in the past – anxiety and things like that. The doctor put me on prescription medication to help me, but I got addicted to them because they blocked out the anxiety. And that led to other, harder drugs.”

Michael’s Story

Michael found himself homeless while battling an alcohol addiction and experienced homelessness for almost 30 years. He moved in and out of emergency hostels and psychiatric hospitals in Galway a lot. However, he would still often find himself sleeping rough on the streets of Galway.