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Support Abbey House: A Safe Supportive Home In The West Of Ireland

For 15 men that live there, it’s the home they prayed for every single day they spent cold, lonely and afraid sleeping on the streets here in the West of Ireland. Each man has his own room where he can enjoy restful sleep in a warm, safe bed. Something he may not have experienced for a long time.

Your gift will keep the doors to Abbey House open and help get a man off the streets and into a home where he can recover and rebuild from trauma and homelessness.

David had addiction issues, his physical health was awful and he’s suffered multiple overdoses. His partner had recently overdosed and died.

He desperately needed help. Your support made it possible for us to show David that there are people that care about him.

First you gave him hot nutritious meals and somewhere warm to sleep.

Once he felt ready, David took the courageous step of undergoing a detox programme. Then from the calm and safety of Abbey House, Davis was able to access grief and addiction counselling.

Your gift could help another man like David.

David was a trained chef.

At Galway Simon we work with the talents and skills our residents already have to help rebuild their self-esteem.

We encouraged David to use the kitchen in Abbey House to reignite his passion for cooking.

His housemates raved about the delicious dinners he’d served them up.

That new sense of confidence and self-worth was transformational.

Without your generous support Abbey House wouldn’t exist.