Governance & Transparency

At Galway Simon Community, we strive to be transparent and accountable at all times.

We believe that our supporters should be informed not only about the work we do and its impact, but also about how we raise and spend our funds. Our Board of Directors meet regularly to monitor our progress and the impact of our work on the people we support.

Our work is only possible thanks to all of our supporters including our Statutory funders. Below are the Government bodies which partially fund the running of our services.

Our Salutatory Funders

We are grateful for the grants we receive from different organisations which fund specific projects. We are also members of initiatives including the FEAD Programme and Food Cloud.

Our financial accounts are independently audited every year

Our accounts are SORP (FRS 102) compliant

At Galway Simon, we are committed to achieving the standards contained within the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.

These guidelines exist to:

  • Improve fundraising practice
  • Promote high levels of accountability and transparency by organisations fundraising from the public.
  • Provide clarity and assurances to donors and prospective donors about the organisations they support.

Details of our fundraising activities are contained within our Annual Reports and Financial Statements. For more information about our fundraising practices, download our documents